Our Expectations

Here at Ovations, we prioritize safety and comfort for all our passengers. In order to ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride, we expect the following rules to be followed:

1. Buckle up - All passengers are required to wear their seatbelts while riding in our vehicles. This is for your safety, as well as the safety of others in the vehicle.

2. Respect others - Please be courteous and respectful to your driver. Any form of harassment, abuse, or discrimination will not be tolerated.

3. No smoking - Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is not allowed in any of our vehicles.

4. No alcohol or drugs - We have a strict no alcohol or drugs policy in all our vehicles. Anyone under the influence will not be allowed to ride.

5. Keep it clean - Please help us keep our vehicles clean by not eating in the vehicle and disposing of any trash properly.

6. You must be dressed appropriately.

7. No extra riders unless you told us prior to pick-up.

8. We cannot accept cash as payment.

By following these rules, we can ensure a pleasant and safe ride for everyone. Thank you for choosing Ovations Transportation Services.